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New 23-acre distributed generation solar PV facility.
Evans, NY
Square Footage/Size
23-acre, 3.8MW AC
In New York State, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) has set ambitious climate goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Several renewable energy sites have been identified and are being assessed and developed as locations for solar installations. One such project is this new 23-acre distributed generation solar PV facility. The project has a nameplate capacity of 3.8MW, connecting to an existing substation. This facility incorporates a ground-mounted system on single-axis steel structures. It includes two switchgear stations and two transformers. The total DC capacity of the facility is approximately 5 MW. Wendel provided pre-development and construction services for this site, including SEQR Support, grading and stormwater design plans, SWPPP permitting, visual impact analysis, landscape screening plans, special use permit and site plan approval applications, and support, Building Permit documents Issued for construction documents, and construction administration services. This project was constructed in 2023 and is fully operational.