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Civil & Planning Services

Renewable energy done right.

Wendel has provided renewable energy development services for several Private Developers and Engineering Procurement Contractors (EPC’s). Wendel has in-house Civil Engineers, Planners, Surveyors and Landscape Architects with expertise in developing private renewable energy projects. We are a one-stop-shop when it comes to renewable energy development.

Renewable energy done right.

Due Diligence and Feasibility Services

Our clients take comfort in our ability to help them analyze their solar sites. For each solar site, we assess the existing site conditions, identify constraints, and help determine design requirements and perform a desktop review of each sites.

Design Services

Our standard design services include site layout finalization, access road design, stormwater management design per local and state requirements, and site plan set production for municipal approvals. We also provide our clients with guidance regarding special design features such as stormwater ponds, water quality measures, wetland mitigation, and floodplain mitigation.

Zoning, Permitting, and Municipal Entitlements Services

As a trusted advisor for our solar clients, we take navigating the permitting and local approval processes very seriously. Our team of Planners performs research on cultural and historic resources in the project area and complete the SEQR Environmental Assessment Forms with necessary supplemental information and help the client compile and submit for site plan/special use permit approvals.

Construction Document and Construction Services

Once a project receives its approvals, we turn the site plan approval plans into Construction Plans, fine-tuning our plans and details to be construction ready. We also provide construction specifications for the site contractors using the spec-on-drawing method. When a project is ready for construction, Wendel is there to help see it from start to finish.

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Developing funding strategies that work.

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Accelerate your decarbonization projects.

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