Home / portfolio / Harriman Campus Chillers Replacement
Wendel was selected to replace the chillers and upgrade the boiler plant at OGS's Harriman Campus. The scope implemented includes new chillers with a combined capacity of 10,000 tons, chiller plant optimization controls, a 600 BHP summer boiler, and new boiler controls.
New York Power Authority
NYS Office of General Services
Albany, NY
OGS Harriman Campus is an office park located in Albany. The office park contains seventeen (17) New York State Government office buildings, including a Central Cooling and Heating Plant, on approximately 300 acres of land. The Harriman Campus provides office space to approximately 7,000 state employees. The projects consisted of improvements to both cooling and heating portions of the central plant. The project also included remodeling of the plant control room and installation of a new plant-wide Building Management System (BMS) which integrates both the cooling and heating plants into one system. The new BMS will allow for more streamlined and efficient plant operation. Our team was responsible for developing the commissioning plan during the design phase then executing the plan during construction and post construction phases.
Chiller plant upgrades included replacing the existing (3) 2,000-ton R-22 Chillers and associated starters with (2) new 3,000-ton and (2) new 2,000-ton chillers with variable speed drives. The new chillers utilize R-134a and increase overall plant capacity from 10,000 tons to 12,000 to accommodate for future cooling loads. New primary chilled water pumps and condenser water pumps were installed. The chilled water and condenser water piping was modified to a more efficient manifold arrangement. In addition, deteriorating condenser water piping was replaced in its entirety with stain steel piping. All new pumps were equipment with variable speed drives. The heating plant upgrades included the installation of a new 600 HP summer use steam boiler and new boiler combustion controls on the existing boilers. The smaller 600 HP will allow for much more efficiency plant operation during summer periods.
Specific Techniques or Unique Methods Employed to Facilitate Optimal Energy Savings and Operational Efficiencies Our team optimized chiller plant operations to maximize efficiency and meet dynamic loading conditions on the central plant in an economical, and transparent fashion (i.e., no black boxes).