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Capital Improvements Plan

Town of Lockport Waterline

This project included the design and installation of approximately 8,450 lineal feet of 8- and 10-inch PVC waterline in the Town of Lockport. A new waterline was installed into the same trench as the existing one, creating the need for temporary above-ground bypass waterlines. Wendel provided planning and permitting support, design, and construction services.

Town of Lockport Waterline


Town of Lockport


Lockport, NY

The Town of Lockport Water District services 20,600 people through 6,286 service connections. Water is purchased from the Niagara County Water District. In 2014, the Town adopted a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to replace $14.1M of failing infrastructure within the water distribution system. This project is the third phase of designed and constructed improvements.

Aged and undersized waterline along Beattie Avenue resulted in frequent line breaks and pressure issues in the service area. A replacement waterline at this location reinforces and improves transmission capabilities of the system, provides adequate water supply, and meet fire protection requirements now and in the future.

The Twilight Lane extension improvement was proposed from the dead end on Twilight Lane to the east side of Sunset Drive. This additional connection provides an alternate feed and loop for the service area. The proposed improvements along Twilight Lane include the extension of approximately 250 lineal feet of 8-inch PVC waterline by open cut and boring. The proposed improvements along Beattie Ave includes replacement of the existing 6-inch ductile iron waterline with approximately 8,200 lineal feet of 10-inch diameter PVC pipe by open cut excavation and boring.

To maintain uninterrupted service to customers during construction of the Beattie Ave waterline, temporary above ground bypass waterlines were used during the tie into the existing waterline.