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Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI)


Town of Newfane, Town of Somerset, Village of Wilson, Town of Carlton, Town of Wilson, Orleans County


9 Different New York State Counties

After significant flooding events in 2017 and 2019, the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative, or REDI commission, was formed to develop a plan to harden infrastructure along the southern and eastern shores of Lake Ontario. The commission vetted over 200 potential projects and identified 127 to pursue spanning eight different counties including Niagara, Orleans, and St. Lawrence. Projects executed under the REDI commission are funded through a 95% grant, 5% match system, making them extremely affordable.

Wendel was contracted for our competencies in site civil, structural hydrology and hydraulics, water, wastewater and stormwater, and landscape architecture to perform services on nine of the projects through our existing municipal partnerships with several towns and villages in the area under REDI’s purview. These municipalities include: the Town of Wilson, Village of Wilson, Town of Somerset, Town of Newfane, and Town of Carlton along with Niagara and Orleans Counties.

Wendel is working alongside a number of government agencies, such as the Department of State, OGS, DEC, the Army Corps. of Engineers, and DASNY on the permitting aspects of these efforts. The services provided are focused on resiliency and protecting structures and shorelines from erosion and storm damages by implementing measures such as berms, road reconstruction, and pier modifications to mitigate erosion to structures along the shoreline during periods of high wind and high-water level events.

To date, Wendel has completed five REDI projects including the relocation of an exposed waterline and rebuilding an access road along the shoreline, modernization and structural modification to an elevated water tank, and rehabilitating a boat launch and adjacent parking lot to improve the tourist experience.

Orleans County Lakeshore Road

Wendel was selected to develop the rehabilitation project from permitting through design and construction. A multidiscipline team was assembled to address protection of Lakeshore Road, public utilities and private property; stabilization of the shoreline; and incorporate the use of natural vegetation. Technical experts included planners, surveyors, structural engineers, civil/site engineers, transportation engineers, and stormwater engineers with a focus in shoreline stabilization.

Wilson Parking Lot and Townline Pier

Wendel was selected to provide support to the Village of Wilson given our historical knowledge of the waterfront infrastructure and our team of technical experts adept in addressing challenging shoreline structural modifications and earthen embankment design. A firm understanding of hydraulics and wave action was important to design the appropriate modifications needed for the Pier.

Orleans County Point Breeze Boat Launch

Wendel was selected to develop the rehabilitation project from permitting through design and construction. A multidisciplinary team was assembled to address the mounting location and methodology of the floating docks, to the shoreline for high water events, access to the docks, the slope of the access ramp for low-water and high-water events and to address the roadway approach angle to the docks. Technical experts included planners, surveyors, structural engineers, civil/site engineers, and stormwater engineers with a focus in shoreline resilience.

Wilson Water Storage Tank

Wendel inspected the 500,000 gallon elevated water tank for the Town of Wilson and then prepared construction documents for repainting both the interior and exterior of the tank. The exterior of the tank had lead paint from its original coating, so the project included complete containment and air monitoring for lead paint removal. Safety and structural modifications were designed including a new tank ladder, roof platform, new roof vent, and modified overflow discharge. A mixer was also added to the tank, along with a pressure monitoring system. Wendel also provided construction administration services for the Town and provided full-time resident observation.

Carlton West Access Road

The Town of Carlton received grant funding from the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) to relocate the existing waterline that was exposed due to wave action and erosion, and to rebuild the access road for these residents. The rehabilitation initiative is targeted at increasing shoreline resilience by reconstructing approximately 400 LF of shoreline and access road. Wendel was selected to develop the rehabilitation project from permitting through design and construction. A multidisciplinary team was assembled to address the relocation of the waterline as well as design a rock revetment system to provide stabilization for the proposed access road as well as mitigate potential damage to the shoreline caused by wave action and high water from Lake Ontario. Technical experts included surveyors, geotechnical engineers, civil/site engineers, and stormwater engineers with a focus in shoreline resilience.