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University of Rochester Energy Conservation Master Plan

Wendel was engaged by the University of Rochester to develop a Utilities & Energy Management Assessment & Plan for their campus. The goal of the plan was to provide information which can be used to plan for energy conservation across campus. This includes projected capital costs, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) savings.

University of Rochester Energy Conservation Master Plan


University of Rochester


Rochester, NY





Wendel was engaged by the University of Rochester to develop a Utilities & Energy Management Assessment & Plan for their campus. The goal of the plan was to provide information which can be used to plan for energy conservation across campus.  This includes projected capital costs, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) savings.

The investigation was broken into three phases. Phase 1 established an overall strategy and campus vision. Phase 2 looked at load reduction options to manage energy consumption better at the end-uses. Phase 3 looked at energy distribution systems, heating and cooling plants and energy sources.

Wendel worked with the University to develop concepts for both energy conservation retrofits and replacement of existing central plants, utility distribution systems and conversion to a ZERO FOSSIL FUEL ENERGY SYSTEM. The system concepts vary based on sections of the campus. In areas where the existing infrastructure is beyond the end of useful life, replacement of steam heating systems with small generation 4 low temperature hot water loops are being planned. These loops will connect to a heat pump system and geothermal wellfield. In other areas with new infrastructure, generation 5 neutral temperature loops will connect heat pumps located in building together. To validate this strategy a pilot project is underway for the first building cluster.

Overall, the results conservation projects will yield 22% energy saving and a reduction of 21,000 MT of CO2e. The projections for savings associated with the changes to the heating system are pending but it is anticipated that the proposal solution will electrify 80% to 100% of the campus heating & cooling systems.

Wendel’s final deliverable included: utility energy modeling, thermal modeling of individual buildings, preliminary concept drawings, field surveys of equipment, equipment selection, bulletized scope of work, Sankey charts showing before and after energy usage and sources, life cycle cost analysis, financial projections and phasing recommendations over the next 20 years.