Home / portfolio / Erie County Water Authority – Water Tank Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of one steel ground, three steel standpipe, one steel hydropillar, and one concrete ground water storage tank including interior and exterior improvements.
Erie County Water Authority
Buffalo, NY
The Erie County Water Authority (ECWA) identified six water storage tanks for rehabilitation as part of their maintenance program. Wendel was selected to provide professional services for the design and construction of the refurbishments. For this work, ECWA Contract W-034, Wendel teamed with J.M. Davidson (JMD), a Certified WBE Firm. Wendel led the design phase with a multi-discipline engineering team of environmental, civil, structural, and electrical engineers. JMD lead the construction phase including on-site Resident Inspection with support from the Wendel team.
The Colvin Tank is a 1.25 MG steel hydropillar. The scope of work for the 185-foot high tank included exterior coating spot repair, a full interior recoat, and miscellaneous steel repairs.
The Cole Road Tank is a 250,000-gallon steel ground storage tank. The tank is lease-managed by the ECWA. The scope of work included a full interior recoat and miscellaneous modifications to address AWWA and OSHA recommendations.
The Eden 4 Tank is a 300,000-gallon steel standpipe. The scope of work included full interior recoat, full exterior recoat, and miscellaneous modifications. The existing coating on the exterior of the tank contains lead. The design specifications include Class 1A containment. Miscellaneous modifications included improvements to address AWWA and OSHA recommendations and foundation repairs at the anchor points.
The Rice Hill Tank is a 350,000-gallon steel standpipe. The tank is lease-managed by the ECWA. The scope of work included a full interior recoat and miscellaneous modifications to address AWWA and OSHA recommendations. This included a new clog-resistant vent.
The Crestwood Tank is a 710,000-gallon concrete ground storage tank. The tank is lease-managed by the ECWA. The work on this tank included some roof crack repair, miscellaneous modifications to address AWWA and OSHA recommendations, and an exterior overcoat with an architectural coating.
The Wohlhueter Tank is a 672,000-gallon steel standpipe. The scope of work included full interior recoat, full exterior recoat, and miscellaneous modifications to address AWWA and OSHA recommendations.
Contract W-034 was bid under three (3) contracts. Cole Road and Wohlhueter construction was completed in 2022. Eden 4, Crestwood, and Rice Hill construction was completed in Spring 2023. Colvin construction was completed in Fall 2023.