Town of Royalton

Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Royalton set out to create a comprehensive plan that focused on protecting agriculture, preserving the character of the rural community and guiding future growth. Supporting historic settlements such as the Village of Middleport and the Hamlet of Gasport was another priority of the comprehensive plan. Wendel completed an assessment of existing conditions and trends in the Town, noting everything from prime soils and agricultural information to community facilities and historic preservation. The emphasis of the assessment was to identify important agricultural uses and features that warranted recognition and protection. With the aid of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, all of these features were spatially mapped. Wendel was also key in coordinating public input through the creation of a local advisory committee, organizing community meetings and internet outreach. The representation of such a wide range of interests enabled the Town to develop a coherent list of goals and objectives and design an implementation strategy in order to achieve them.