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Hot Aisle Configuration and Containment
Mission Critical

Hot Aisle Configuration and Containment

Early data center rack arrangements were often task-based, where racks performing similar functions were located in close proximity to each other. There was little attention paid to where the rack inlets and discharges were placed; that is, there were no defined hot and cold aisles. When racks are arranged such that there is no defined … Continued

IT Energy Saving Methods
Mission Critical

IT Energy Saving Methods

Thus far, this series has focused on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) energy savings method for data centers. In this article we will shift our attention to non-HVAC related energy savings methods that can be performed in the white space. More specifically, we will be looking at IT related energy savings methods. Though admittedly … Continued

Mission Critical: Energy Savings Roadblocks
Mission Critical

Mission Critical: Energy Savings Roadblocks

Having performed data center designs and energy saving projects for more than three decades I have seen many energy conservation programs and projects fail.  These energy savings programs may have failed before they started or even shortly after they had been implemented.  Often, they didn’t fail due to technical issues or market changes but because … Continued