Mason County Schools Energy Performance Contract

Mason County Schools selected Wendel to develop an energy performance contract (EPC) to accomplish energy efficiency and capital project improvements at 13 of the County’s buildings including schools, administrative offices and maintenance facilities.

Wendel began the effort by assisting the County in obtaining $614,880 in project funding from the School Building Authority (SBA) to offset the County’s project cost.  The overall project is expected to implement over $3.7M in energy conservation measures (ECMs) and building improvements, while leveraging approximately $4M in total savings to offset the total project costs.

Wendel evaluated ECMs to recommend as part of the energy performance contract and facility improvement project.  The Audit will include annual energy savings, operation and maintenance savings, implementation costs and utility energy rebates for each ECM.

This project was completed in 2016 on schedule and on budget. The Comprehensive Energy Audit focused on the following energy efficiency and facility improvement measures:

  • Lighting and Occupancy Sensor Upgrades
  • Boiler Burner Replacement
  • Boiler Plant Replacements
  • Steam Trap Upgrades and Replacements
  • Thermostatic Radiator Controls
  • Window AC Control Optimization
  • Digital Air Handler Controls Upgrade
  • High Efficiency DHW Replacement
  • Premium Efficient Motor Replacement


Wendel assisted the County to obtain approximately $614,880 in project funding from the School Building Authority (SBA).

Annual Energy Use and Costs Prior to Implementation

3,110 kW

9,932,913 kWh

8,289 mmbtu


Guaranteed Annual Energy Savings

4,659 kW

3,357,706 kWh

3,114 mmbtu

1,635 kGal


Annual Environmental Savings From Electric Use Reduction

619,324 lbs of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

77 lbs of SO2 (Sulfer Dioxide)

 11 lbs of N20 (Nitrous Oxide)

Equivalent Savings for Comparison (1 year)

60 Cares Removed From The Road

659 Barrels of Oil Saved

49 Houses Energy Use

4,720 Number of Trees Planted